The only thing that I would suggest, is that he tighten the compiler code and perhaps expose low level features if it is possible to do so just through an edit of the p code. It is still compiled into pcode right? or am I out of date...

Merrill, Jason wrote:
I agree along the lines of Mark.
>From a developer perspective, I'm always cautious of different flavors of 
languages which require special compilers, or alternative languages and compilers, 
like haxe.  Several reasons:

1.  What happens when you leave the project/company and the next developer has 
to pick it up and make changes?  He/she has to learn the non-standard language 
and install some other compiler and learn to use it as well.  That's if he/she 
even knows what you used in the first place.
2.  Time it can take to learn something like haxe doesn't seem to give you 
enough ROI - at least my impression having looked at haxe as an alternative.
3. Explaining and justifying to your boss why you used non-standard approaches can be hard, even if you understand the benefits. Sourcecode is now in a form that very few people understand.
Anyway, just my thoughts - not to discourage you, I think what you're doing is really 
cool - just thought maybe you's want to know what challenges you may face "selling 
it" to developers - in FOSS form or not.

Jason Merrill
Bank of America     Instructional Technology & Media   ยท   GCIB & Staff Support 

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