Hello Sebastien,
   Were it me, I'd go for either Papervision or Away3D.

   I absolutely wouldn't do it from scratch. There's already a lot of
time and effort been spent on these projects, so why reinvent the

   Both certainly support 'skinning from images' (texturing).

   Morphing I am less sure about, but given they both handle
animation, I'd be surprised if they didn't. At the very least, you can
get hold of the mesh points and move them about programmatically


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 8:01 PM, sebastian<sebast...@360d.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Long time no speak! I've been out of the flash loop for about 9 months, and
> I'm about to work on a new flash project which requires some 3D animation.
> I need to make 3D polygons that spin and can morph from one shape to
> another. I also need to be able to "skin" each side of the polygon with a
> different image [loaded via XML form outside files]
> With my know-how form 9 months ago, I would either work this out in pure 3D
> code I would write from scratch or from a library, or I would try and look
> into something like papervision3D which I think does something like this
> already.
> I'm still on CS3
> My question is:
> Is there a new, better and more elegant / pre-made way for working in 3D?
> Is there now a better package than papervision?
> Does flash CS4 make this in anyway easier?
> Thanks for any guidance and general direction answers you can provide.
> Kindly,
> Sebastian.
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