On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Steven Sacks <flash...@stevensacks.net>wrote:

> Dale Carnegie wrote the manifesto on this subject in 1934. Human nature
> being what it is, what he wrote then is still true today.  I recommend that
> you include Dale Carnegie's book when you purchase Colin Moock's Essential
> Actionscript 3 book.

Before Dale Carnegie wrote, for the Illuminati I might add, his "politically
correct" books, the great Ch'an (Zen) masters of China compiled the Blue
Cliff Records, a book, unlike the one you have cited, that has stood the
test of time (centuries of it).

> Here are a few chapter titles.  Take a look and see if some of the titles
> apply to your situation and approach.
> Begin in a friendly way.
> Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly.

The Ch'an masters weren't so subtle. They were famous for beating people
senseless with their staffs and shouting them out the door. You, and almost
everyone else, would demand from them they remove your cancerous tumor but
set down their scalpels! It doesn't work that way. Even Jesus called the
Pharisees "you brood of vipers". You see, it's impossible to penetrate the
ego by being "nice" to _the_ego_. The ego is the problem! As Edgar Cayce so
often said, "self stands in the way." Even Muhammad (peace and blessings be
upon him) stated the greatest of all idols is the self (ego).

> Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never tell someone they are
> wrong.

Read above.

> Ask questions instead of directly giving orders.

I didn't give an order (?!)

> Don't criticize.

LOL. Read above.
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