
In my application the scores file would have the same name as the SWF program, and so progam.swf becomes progamscores.txt

temp=this.loaderInfo.url; // Use the SWF path as a source
temp=temp.replace(".swf","scores.txt"); // for the scores text file


John McCormack wrote:
If I understand this correctly:

html is in directory1
SWF in directory2/flash
SWF is trying to load the XML from directory2/flash/xml/

A SWF knows the directory it was loaded from and so can find the xml directory. For example I use this...

var temp:String;

temp=this.loaderInfo.url; // Use the SWF path as a source
temp=temp.replace(".swf","scores.txt"); // for the scores text file

Also, you could email back to yourself the directories that you find.

If they were prepared to run it, they could help by running Charles' web proxy from
That would help them identify failed loading of files.


sebastian wrote:
Thanks Nathan and Dave,

The leading slash was just a typo in my email, but the code doesn't start with a leading slash, so that can't be the problem.

It's on an intranet, so an internal website that people like me, who are external, can't see or access [and they won't grant me access either]. We can't just tell them "sorry" because they are some huge multinational company, and we are a small local agency...

They sent me the path names of where they put the file, and where it is being loaded from, so I tried hardcoding the exact path into my AS file for the XML file, but it still wont load it.

I know that if I make them test my HTML file that I used, which sits in the same folder as the resources, it works for them JUST FINE...

So it is when they try and load it from a different directory on the same server that it doesn't.

Something like:

Is being read from:

Is there something else I need to set, it loads the SWF from:

just fine, but it won't load the XML from:

Any other ideas?



Nathan Mynarcik wrote:
Is it published on the web? Or is the intranet on a shared drive on an internal network? If it is the ladder, your path has to be longer than it would be for a webserver. Best bet would be to trace your butt off until you find the exact string you need for the path. Go back and forth about 20 to 30 times with them on file versions until they get fed up. Having you do it without being able to test is like having you code blindfolded with yours hands tied.

------Original Message------
From: sebastian
To: Flash Coders List
ReplyTo: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] problem with paths
Sent: Jan 22, 2010 2:16 PM

Hello flash coders,

Simple question I believe, but I'm having problems with a delivery of a flash file.

My flash file loads an external XML and then from the external XML it loads images, videos text etc.

It works fine locally and on our test server, however at the client's server, which is on an intranet so I can't test or see what they see, it doesn't load the XML...

I tried hard coding the paths that they tell me the XML resides in, and they promise me that they have kept the file structure intact, and they have also informed me that there is no cross domain going on... meaning that the flash is being loaded from the same domain where the data is being kept.

My question is: how could this not be working? My only guess is that the file is being embeded in an HTML file that is NOT in the path of where the files are being kept, but then my hardcoded full-paths should (?) have resolved this...?

Am I right that I can replace: the load "/xml/data.xml" with ""; and then load the SWF from a directory like: ""; and get it all to load correctly?

Thanks for any insight or thoughts you can offer!


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Nathan Mynarcik
Interactive Web Developer

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