Hi list...

Why can't I get to the node I want to here:

                <artistBio f="Victor" s="Pasmore">blah blah</artistBio>
                <artistBio f="Stephen" s="Pentak">more blah blah</artistBio>

var artData:XML represents the above correctly.

var lastName:String = "Pentak";
var firstName:String = "Stephen";

// successfully lists out all the <artistBio> tags
var allBios:XMLList = artData.bios..artistBio;

// thisone is null...why??  Aren't I filtering it correctly?
var thisone:XMLList = artData.bios..artistBio.((@s==lastName)&&(@f==firstName));

Thanks, perplexed, E4x shouldn't be this weird...
- Michael M.

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