Looks interesting:

In PV3D there is a function to lookAt() an object.
As the objects rotate with the globe you can tell them to look at the centre of the globe.

I couldn't find the right maths on the five3D site.


dopeco...@hotmail.com wrote:
As this is a FP9 project, I suspect it may require Five3D, however if there is a reasonable solution with z-depth it might be something that could be considered, just not to sure on where to start for the maths on this aspect of it.

Glen Pike wrote:
I think you mean "billboards" - something that always faces the camera?

Does it have to be in Five3D - can you accomplish this in Flash by manipulating the z-depth

On 28/04/2010 11:35, dopeco...@hotmail.com wrote:
Hi John,

Each plane is attached to the globe, so if I rotate the globe alone, the children move with it hence I see the back of the planes etc. ... what I want is to be able to keep the front of the planes facing the user at their correct perspectives, very similiar to this (although not related in nature at all):



John McCormack wrote:
Why would the planes rotate if they are not children of the globe?


dopeco...@hotmail.com wrote:
Hi all,

I am at the tail end of a project done in Five3D after doing a few different ones in Papervision and I am stuck on a fundamental feature that I hope someone who payed attention in math class (which I didn't) could help me out on. I am doing something that has movement similar to WP-Cumulus, i.e. items placed around a virtual globe, with each item always facing front when that globe is rotated. I know papervision had something pre-built for this type of thing, but Five3D doesn't, so I suspect I may have to get tricky with some maths to keep all panes facing front.

Anyone know where to start on this?, currently, if I spin the globe on it's Y axis, and turn each item on that globe but the inverse of its rotation, and works fine around that axis alone. Throw in both x and y rotation at the same time though and things go a little skewy.

Any help would be most appreciated and will earn me a couple of hours extra sleep :)

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