On Apr 30, 2010, at 3:19 AM, Julio Protzek wrote:

HTML5 is less powerfull than Flash. But it is in the right way.
We will see Tweeners and TweenLites done for canvas in no time. Flash guys
can amuse with any technology.
Just give us some time :)

HTML 5 is s standard for describing content to be rendered in some runtime. It is not something that can be compared to Flash at this time. It may be compared to another specification, say the SWF format.

The combination of all browser technologies into one runtime is something that may be compared to Flash, but comparing HTML 5 and Flash is not applicable.

Fact remains:

There is no way today, or in the foreseeable future, to develop an application using HTML 5, CSS, Javascript or ANY combination of these technologies that can compare interactively or creatively to an application developed with Adobe tools.

- j

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