Ross Sclafani skriver:
> An MVC Example
> FLVPlayback is an interesting MVC  component:
> it holds a NetStream as a model of the video
> it holds a Video as a view of the Video
> It acts as controller to set the model in motion by connecting it to a stream
> the ui is also a view of the video: the percent elapsed is represented n the 
> scrub bar, ther is a play button while paused, a pause button while playing, 
> then there are the time readouts..

Sadly, that is not true.

First sentence of the manual page for the FLVPlayback class:
> FLVPlayback extends the Sprite class and wraps a VideoPlayer object.

I don't have enough time to figure out how much this matters, but I
assume that if you care you are better of reading the source code anyway.
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