Pete Heist <> writes:

> Change of subject...
> I realized it’s the two LSBs that carry ECN, not the MSBs. :) I sometimes 
> mistakenly passed in 46 (0x2E) for CS5 to irtt’s —dscp flag, for example, But 
> it's really 184 (0xb8) that should go into the DS (ToS) field. Flent has it 
> correct, and thankfully IRTT is doing today what Flent thinks it’s doing. But 
> what I’m thinking for IRTT’s future is:
> 1) Add a new —tos parameter (possibly with a —ds synonym) that just sets the 
> value passed in, hex or dec. It will not allow text. Basically what —dscp is 
> today.
> 2) Change —dscp to left shift whatever value is passed in by two bits,
> if it’s hex or dec. If it’s text, use the same table Flent has now,
> except add “voice-admit” (0xb0, from RFC 5865), which is the only
> additional value at
> <>, otherwise they all agree. The
> two LSBs (ECN bits) will always be 0 in this case. Flent could
> additionally add the "voice-admit” value (0xb0), but it’s probably not
> that critical. :)

Is it really useful to have two different ones? Adding --tos as an alias
for --dscp (and maybe deprecating the latter) would be sufficient,
wouldn't it? If you support the textual representations most people will
probably use those anyway, I figure. DiffServ is a mess in any case, so
spending too much effort trying to support is "nicely" is probably not
worth it.

> This would break —dscp’s current behavior, so I would increment the
> version number when I do it, and save it for v1.0 in case there are
> other breaking changes.

Well, that means Flent would need to deal with this case and detect
which version of irtt is available; which IMO goes into the 'too much
effort' category ;)


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