Hi, how are you ..?

El mar, 27-07-2004 a las 13:15, Sharon Kimble escribió:
> On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 10:56 -0500, Diego Andres Asenjo Gonzalez wrote:
> > Hi, how are you ?
> > 
> > I think I answered you, but I cant make the people understand me. (Im
> > not being sarcastic). I will try.
> > El mar, 27-07-2004 a las 04:10, Sharon Kimble escribió:
> > > I've done further work on this and I'm still getting the same result.
> > > So, basic information first.
> > > 
> > > Fedora Core 2, and fully updated. Installed flexbackup-1.2.1-1.noarch.
> > > rpm. Trying to backup [from flexbackup.conf]
> > > $set{'docs'} = "/mnt/windowsf/documents";
> > > $set{'boztu'} = "/home/boztu /mnt/windowsf/documents";
> > It's ok.
> > > >From fstab.conf
> > > /dev/hde7         /mnt/windowsf           vfat    auto,exec,umask=000 0 0 [NB - 
> > > line
> > > wrapped]
> > It's ok.
> > > 
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | Backup start: Tue Jul 27 09:47:08 2004
> > > | Backup end:   Tue Jul 27 09:47:19 2004
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | Compressing log (boztu.0.200407270940.gz)
> > > | Linking boztu.latest.gz -> boztu.0.200407270940.gz
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Thats the full backup done.
> Read what I said above ......... ^^^ [Hint - 'Thats the full backup
> done.'] :)

Sorry ... I live so scattered ... (Free Software effects) :)

> The full backup WAS done, and IS done. And then the differential backup
> was done, but it fails every time on the '/mnt/windowsf/documents'
> command.
> > > 
> > > A few minutes later, after a few minor changes, a differential backup
> > > undertaken with the command;-
> > > ./flexbackup -set boztu -differential 
> > You CAN'T do a differential backup before doing a complete backup. You
> > MUST do a COMPLETE BACKUP BEFORE doing a differential or an incremental
> > backup.  
> > > [as su]
> > > 
> > > And this is the result;-
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | Backup start: Tue Jul 27 09:56:19 2004
> > > | Backup end:   Tue Jul 27 09:56:36 2004
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | Backup of: /mnt/windowsf/documents
> > > Can't do a level 1 backup - no level 0 timestamp found at ./flexbackup
> > > line 2288.
> > > 
> > > /home/boztu is backed up, but it fails every time at attempting to do a
> > > differential or incremental backup of /mnt/windowsf/documents and with
> > > the same error message too.
> > Maybe you have a complete backup of /home/botzu.
> > # flexbackup -toc
> > shows you the "Table of Contents of the backups".
> Ah, didn't know that command. 
> so heres the output [sorry for the length, but you're getting everything
> in an effort to sort this out]
> ./flexbackup -toc
> flexbackup version 1.2.1 (http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net)
> /etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Checking 'buffer' on this machine... Ok
> | Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash2
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Found directory index key 200407161415
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bogus index entry - mnt-windowsf-documents.1.200407270837.zip does not
> exist
> | Deleting record for 200407161415 file mnt-windowsf-
> documents.1.200407270837.zip
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bogus index entry - mnt-windowsf-documents.1.200407270839.zip does not
> exist
> | Deleting record for 200407161415 file mnt-windowsf-
> documents.1.200407270839.zip
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bogus index entry - mnt-windowsf-documents.1.200407270907.zip does not
> exist
> | Deleting record for 200407161415 file mnt-windowsf-
> documents.1.200407270907.zip
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bogus index entry - mnt-windowsf-documents.1.200407270956.zip does not
> exist
> | Deleting record for 200407161415 file mnt-windowsf-
> documents.1.200407270956.zip
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bogus index entry - mnt-windowsf-documents.1.200407271325.zip does not
> exist
> | Deleting record for 200407161415 file mnt-windowsf-
> documents.1.200407271325.zip
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> File  Contents    (dir index 200407161415)
> ---------------------------------------------
> 00-index-key <index keyfile, dir=/mnt/lind/backup>
> home-boztu.0.200407241049.zip level 0 /home/boztu Sat Jul 24 10:52:05
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.0.200407270842.zip level 0 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 08:42:57
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.0.200407270933.zip level 0 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 09:33:15
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.0.200407270940.zip level 0 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 09:40:00
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.0.200407250200.zip level 0 /home/boztu Sun Jul 25 02:00:02
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.0.200407201125.zip level 0 /home/boztu Tue Jul 20 11:27:42
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407260200.zip level 1 /home/boztu Mon Jul 26 02:00:01
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407270907.zip level 1 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 09:07:17
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407271325.zip level 1 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 13:25:34
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407240200.zip level 1 /home/boztu Sat Jul 24 02:00:01
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407210200.zip level 1 /home/boztu Wed Jul 21 02:00:01
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407270956.zip level 1 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 09:56:19
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.1.200407270200.zip level 1 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 02:00:02
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.2.200407220200.zip level 2 /home/boztu Thu Jul 22 02:00:01
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.2.200407270839.zip level 2 /home/boztu Tue Jul 27 08:39:10
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home-boztu.3.200407230200.zip level 3 /home/boztu Fri Jul 23 02:00:02
> 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home.0.200407170918.zip level 0 /home Sat Jul 17 09:18:35 2004 from dsl-
> 80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> home.0.200407161415.zip level 0 /home Fri Jul 16 14:15:55 2004 from dsl-
> 80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.0.200407170918.zip level 0 /opt/setiathome Sat Jul 17
> 09:18:35 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.0.200407241049.zip level 0 /opt/setiathome Sat Jul 24
> 10:49:40 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.0.200407201125.zip level 0 /opt/setiathome Tue Jul 20
> 11:25:59 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.0.200407250200.zip level 0 /opt/setiathome Sun Jul 25
> 02:00:01 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.1.200407240200.zip level 1 /opt/setiathome Sat Jul 24
> 02:00:01 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.1.200407200200.zip level 1 /opt/setiathome Tue Jul 20
> 02:00:02 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.1.200407210200.zip level 1 /opt/setiathome Wed Jul 21
> 02:00:01 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.1.200407270200.zip level 1 /opt/setiathome Tue Jul 27
> 02:00:02 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.1.200407260200.zip level 1 /opt/setiathome Mon Jul 26
> 02:00:01 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.2.200407220200.zip level 2 /opt/setiathome Thu Jul 22
> 02:00:01 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.2.200407270837.zip level 2 /opt/setiathome Tue Jul 27
> 08:37:48 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.3.200407270839.zip level 3 /opt/setiathome Tue Jul 27
> 08:39:09 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> opt-setiathome.3.200407230200.zip level 3 /opt/setiathome Fri Jul 23
> 02:00:02 2004 from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.0.200407201125.zip level 0 /usr/local Tue Jul 20 11:26:10 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.0.200407170918.zip level 0 /usr/local Sat Jul 17 09:20:58 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.0.200407241049.zip level 0 /usr/local Sat Jul 24 10:50:01 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.1.200407200200.zip level 1 /usr/local Tue Jul 20 02:00:01 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.2.200407270837.zip level 2 /usr/local Tue Jul 27 08:37:48 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> usr-local.3.200407270839.zip level 3 /usr/local Tue Jul 27 08:39:10 2004
> from dsl-80-42-138-206.access.uk.tiscali.com
> Are we any nearer finding a solution? I did wonder about permissions of
> the windowsf/documents/ folder, except that its all being run as 'su' so
> there shouldn't be any problem. Is that right?

Yes ... it have to work with su.

Do you have a test tape ? Do you make a flexbackup -newtape before
starting the backups ... I see a BOGUS index entry for the windows
documents ... 

I really dont know what is happening .. 


> Sharon.
> > > 
> > > Can anyone help me sort this out please and get this working properly?
> > Hope helping you.
> > > 
> > > Sharon.
> > > 
> > > On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 09:19 -0500, Diego Andres Asenjo Gonzalez wrote:
> > > > Hi, how are you ?
> > > > El vie, 23-07-2004 a las 05:41, Sharon Kimble escribió:
> > > > > I'm getting a problem every time that I run flexbackup, and the email to
> > > > > root says this ;-
> > > > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > | Checking 'buffer' on this machine... Ok
> > > > > | Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash2
> > > > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > | Doing incremental backup of docs using zip
> > > > > | Found directory index key 200407161415
> > > > > | Backup set "docs" (/mnt/windowsf/documents)
> > > > > |------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > | Backup of: /mnt/windowsf/documents
> > > > > Can't do a level 1 backup - no level 0 timestamp found at /usr/bin/
> > > > You are probably trying to do a differential backup (level 1) ... that
> > > > tries to backups the difference between the files present "today" and
> > > > the files backed up in the complete backup (or level 0).
> > > > 
> > > > You have to do a complete backup _before_ try to do a differential
> > > > bakcup.
> > > > 
> > > > > flexbackup line 2288.
> > > > > |-------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > and the relevant line form the conf file says ;-
> > > > > 
> > > > > $set{'docs'} = "/mnt/windowsf/documents";
> > > > > 
> > > > > Can anyone help me sort this out please? 
> > > > Hoping help you ...
> > > > > 
> > > > > Every other set works okay on this Fedora Core 2 box, and it works okay
> > > > > if I do it from the command line as '-set all'.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > > Sharon.
> > > > 
> > > > Bye.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -------------------------------------------------------
> > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
> > > FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
> > > Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
> > > http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_idG21&alloc_id040&opk
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