Incoming from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I am trying to restore a whole folder using flexbackup 1.1.7 I am using the
> command flexbackup -restore <path to folder> but whenever I do this I get the
> following error message - 
> flexbackup version 1.1.7 (
> /etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Checking 'buffer' on this machine... Ok
> | Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash2
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> | Logging output to "flexbackup.extract.200503221458.log"
> | Auto-set to type=copy compress=false
> | Reading from on-disk file /home/e-smith/files/users/stagecoach/
> |------------------------------------------------------------
> Ummm... just copy your files, you have the whole tree... at
> /usr/bin/flexbackup line 1988.
> What does this mean I am doing worng?

Just a guess, but I believe it's saying you didn't compress the
backup, and the files are still in their original format (as opposed
to being stuffed into a tar or afio archive), so you should just "cp"
them back into place:

     # cd /path/where/they're/to/be/written/
     # cp -R /where/the/archive/was/written/to .

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
- -

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