
I'm very surprised about the way this thread evolved! I didn't expect such a
reaction to the topic!
I want to thank you all for your comments and just write down the responses
to the questions I posted in the original thread:

1. Do most Flex developers work on Mac?

2. Are most developers in the USA using Macs?

3. Are their any advantages on using a Mac instead of a PC for Web/Flex
It seems to be a matter of taste but I have noticed that most of the people
who did the switch to Mac are very happy with it and would never go back to
Windows. The key advantages of Mac over Windows seem to be:
  * Stability
  * User interface
  * Unix based (unix tools and console are very helpful for developers)
All 3 points depend on one's experience so it's difficult to make an
objective opinion.

One point though speaks for Mac and it's the fact that you can't run OS X in
any virtual machine. So if you develop for OS X, you have to buy a Mac.

Thanks again and happy Flexing!
Haykel Ben Jemia

Web & RIA Development

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