--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "giladozer" <gilado...@...> wrote:
> Thanks Alex for the quick response.
> However, the button is supposed to turn enabled after the result is
> returned.
> The problem is that while it looks like the button is disabled -
> clicking on it results in entering to the function which listens to 
> Moreover, I logged/traced the time the the button turns back to 
> + the time entering to the function that listens to it - 
> it's exactly the same - by the millisecond. 
> meaning - i can't event log the time the button was clicked - cause
> the mouse click event is only dispatched after the button turned 
> one last thing - I found a workaround by removing the eventListener
> when the button is disabled , and adding it back with a timer that
> starts counting after it turned enabled in ticks of 100ms. ( the the
> clicks are not listened in that time space of when the button turned
> enable and 100ms after that).
> The thing is that i don't want to use a timer... it's a very ugly
> solution.

Did you try the solution I gave you on the other forum of setting 
MouseEvents on the button to false at the same time you disable it?

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