Hi all,

I am a fully occupied Flex v3 developer, and don't have spare time to switch to 
Flex v4 before the projects I work on are over and done. While on the side 
subject that Gordon Smith (post 152124) raised, may I ask for reasonable 
answers? (since what I read worry me a lot about the future of my projects 
support from Adobe):
1. What was the meaning of Adobe changing the name from Flex Builder (v3) to 
Flash Builder, while keeping the upgrade path from v3 to v4?
2. I used to call myself a Flex developer, i.e MXML plus AS3 programmer. Should 
I have to call myself a Flash developer from now on?
3. I understand there were Flash developers around since the very  begining. 
They have expertise among other things in timeline effects and sequential 
animation programming using tools like Creative Suite (Photoshop etc) way out 
of my discipline of database RIAs. Do I have to describe myself as a creative 
animator now?
4. If this is v4 of something, shouldn't that be an update of it's previous 
version 3? (In this case does Flex = Flash?)
5. Is Adobe running out of trade names? (or running out of what?)
6. Also what's the future of BlazeDS after recent marketing developments on 
LCESDS (or is it LCDSES?)?

BTW I used to think of Adobe as a technology company. Am I mistaken?

Thanks all

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