Staying with Flex.  Not looking elsewhere.


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Ron G
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:15 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

Yes, we have also abandoned Flex in favor of ZKoss. Since we are already a Java 
shop, on the server side, it seemed logical to use a Java based framework on 
the client-side.

The thing I really like about ZK or ZKoss is that it has equivalent components 
to Flex. In fact, it actually has more components than Flex.

It implements an approach that I really like of separating the UI into 
appearance and behavior - much like the Spark components of Flex. Well, not 
exactly, but sort of. :) Here's what I mean. For each UI object, it has a 
client side (widget) and server side (component). I won't go into further 
detail, but it gives you a nice separation of concerns that you can avail 
yourself of. This feature also greatly insulates the rendered pages from 
x-browser compatibility issues.

Check it out for yourself at their site (


--- In<>, "Sal" 
<sal.celli@...<mailto:sal.celli@...>> wrote:
> hi,
> as i can sadly see from the message history bottom grid, many programmers are 
> leaving flex.
> So this thread is to ask you all, if you have already found a valid 
> alternative to flex for RIA development.

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