Rishi Tandon, Chill Bro, again you are proving me that you don't read your 
emails completely :)!!.  By the way as you said it's free forum, so I thought I 
can freely suggest someone & I did it for you! hope you understand. 

I guess this 4th time I have seen you suggesting something else where as the 
problem was something else & I have also seen that you have come back and gave 
proper answer later too. 

If you read my email properly I was just suggesting you read-up entire email so 
that you understand the problem and help more people!!! I never intended to be 
RUDE or HURT your ego!.. it's just suggestion, once again I honestly believe, 
if you read your emails completely, you will be more helpful to 
community!!....:) :)

On Jan 30, 2012, at 10:43 PM, Tandon, Rishi wrote:

> [Attachment(s) from Tandon, Rishi included below]
> Srinivas, don't say other to do WHAT if they are following the basic 
> Netiquette?
> These are the following reason why you can't give tongue to community member:
> 1. You are not authorized as I think you are not the admin of the group.
> 2. I am not getting paid to deliver the solution.
> 3. This is a free forum and you are free to post solution or your opinion.
> 4. I love to debug the code and specify the exact solution if I am aware of.
> Dan, 
> To be more specfic, please refer to the attach IntegratedEncoder.FXP project 
> where I have merged your controller logic into a single MXML file as the 
> basic rule to create a flex application is to have only one Applicatin 
> container as root.
> About the Application container
> The first tag in an MXML application is either the <s:Application> tag for 
> the Spark application container, or the <mx:Application>
> tag for an MX application container. The application container then becomes 
> the default container for any content that you add to your application.
> In IntegratedEncoder.mxml, the <s:Application> is the root tag, whereas 
> IntegratedEncoderController.as is extending the <mx: Application>.
> Regards,
> Rishi Tandon
> From: Srinivas Sandur Madhu Murthy <s.m.srini...@gmail.com>
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Moving my command-line development to 
> FlashBuilder4.6 - confused.
> Rishi,
> Please read the complete email before you ask for something. I understand you 
> like to help, but please read-up completely, understand problem & then ask 
> for things to help more.
> Dan,
> Whether you use Command-line or Flex Builder it doesn't matter, you always 
> will try to compile 1 application in entire project, unless you have two or 
> more applications in the project. Correct me if I am wrong, as my 
> understanding goes you have EncoderController.as file which has class 
> definition for "EncoderController" class which extends I guess from 
> Application/Sprite. I guess this is the reason your project's main mxml file 
> has root node as <local:EncoderController...../>. Now if you are using Flex 
> Builder, normally the main application mxml file which Flex Builder Template 
> creates has root node as s:Application. In your case, after that mxml is 
> created all you need to do just replace that default auto generated code by 
> your old mxml contents & include EncoderController.as in the src directory, 
> which should work fine for you.
> FX:Script tag is used in mxml to just include AS scripts which doesn't have 
> class definitions. Normally these AS files would have methods, variables etc 
> required or used in MXML file. I hope you know that any MXML file can use 
> fx:script tag and write the AS scripts stuff required in that particular 
> MXML. Treat this MXML+AS script as class.
> The reason why you getting error in first place is, the MXML file which you 
> have is extending from spark::Application [hence root tag as s:Application] & 
> included AS file has definition of a class which also extends from 
> spark:Application.
> Writing code and compiling with SDK using compile time shouldn't be different 
> from using Flex Builder. In-fact it gives more flexibility & user 
> friendliness. Please read-up more on using Flex Builder, should help you 
> convert your application more easily.
> Let me know if you need more help.
> Thanks
> Srinivas
> On Jan 30, 2012, at 4:11 AM, Tandon, Rishi wrote:
>> Dan, send over your mxml and as file here.
>> There could be many reasons for the exception:
>> 1. Compatible with the sdk. Try to change to flex sdk 3.2 or 3.6
>> 2. Namespace inclusion.
>> In you code, the namespace is pointed to "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>> Whereas, in sdk 4 onwards, we are using three namespace:
>>  xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>>  xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
>>  xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" 
>> Regards,
>> Rishi Tandon
>> From: Dan M <d...@streemit.net>
>> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 12:54 AM
>> Subject: [flexcoders] Moving my command-line development to FlashBuilder4.6 
>> - confused.
>> I downloaded and installed the Mac version of Flash Builder 4.6. There 
>> is enough development work yet to be done on my project I figured that 
>> having an IDE to work in might make life easier.
>> The project was originally written as an mxml file (Encoder.mxml) and an 
>> ActionScript file (EncoderController.as). The mxml file refers to the 
>> ActionScript file by starting out with :
>> <local:EncoderController xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
>> layout="absolute"
>> xmlns:local="*"
>> height="800" width="800"
>> backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
>> backgroundAlpha="0">
>> On the Mac I selected "New" then "Flex Project" and named the project 
>> "IntegratedEncoder". That got me an mxml file. I then copied the .as 
>> file over from my other working environment, renamed it 
>> "IntegratedEncoderController.as", changed the class name appropriately, 
>> and modified the new mxml file Flash Builder made for me to include 
>> "<fx:Script source="IntegratedEncoderController.as" />"
>> When I save the file the editor windows for 
>> IntegratedEncoderController.as shows an error on the line in which I 
>> import flash.media.Camera. The line with the error and the lines 
>> surrounding it are:
>> import flash.display.*;
>> import flash.events.MouseEvent;
>> import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
>> import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
>> -->import flash.media.Camera; <---
>> import flash.media.Microphone;
>> import flash.media.Video;
>> import flash.net.navigateToURL;
>> import flash.net.NetConnection;
>> The indicate line is the one with the error messages. The error messages 
>> associated with it are:
>> 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before leftbrace
>> 1131: Classes must not be nested
>> I also get an error indicated in when I declare a variable of type Camera:
>> private var camera:Camera;
>> The error message associated with this line is another occurence of
>> 1131: Classes must not be nested
>> I've also got some other error messages, indicated in the editor with 
>> yellow question marks. In the constructor for the class:
>> public function EncoderController()
>> {
>> ---> addEventListener(FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE,mainInit); <---
>> }
>> the indicated line is marked with "Call to a possibly undefined method 
>> addEventListener".
>> In the mainInit method, I then have two lines:
>> stage.align = "TL";
>> stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
>> both marked with Access of undefined property stage
>> The code I copied over from my other machine compiles just fine using 
>> the SDK and it runs fine. Why is Flash Builder giving these errors? It 
>> looks like it is having problems importing flash.media.Camera and 
>> appears confused by addEventListener. Have I done something with my 
>> project setup that is screwing with Flash Builder? I'm thinking I'd like 
>> to be able to do the rest of this project development in FB, but this 
>> isn't looking very promising so far.

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