I am currently working on a project where we have had to extend many
of the framework controls and containers to add extra functionality or
fix little things that were bothersome. While it has been an very
difficult task in places is has not been impossible. I certainly would
not advocate the 'cut and paste' method, there are always ways around
that, it's just a case of finding the right solution. One thing I
would recommend is really digging into all the source code for the
framework stuff. Being able to understand the different pieces and how
they relate and inter operate is a huge first step in being able to
make any significant extensions. 

Regarding the private vars and functions, I would suggest looking hard
at how they work, what it is you need to do, and then trying very hard
to find something that works (sometimes thinking completely outside of
the box, ie deleting and reinitializing certain inherited variables or
objects to get them working correct). I have found that the areas in
the framework that are private are so for a reason and workarounds can
be found. Anywhere they exist means Adobe would be having the same
issues in attempting to extend them, so there must be another way.
Determining exactly which item to extend is a big part of the process.
Sometimes (especially with containers) the one you think you need to
extend is not always the right one, potentially the parent class is
actually a better fit and you can reuse some of the extended logic in
the container you wanted to extend, in your own new class, to get the
job done.

Good luck, it's painful, but doable.

Derrick Grigg

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