I am facing similar problem and wrote a blog entry on similar topic:

(The main idea is to implement custom IList data provider that relies
on ItemPendingError for delayed loading)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Danko Kozar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to hear some thoughts about paging implementation on Flex 
> DataGrid.
> The server side implementation isn't a problem - I have a paging 
> routine that fetches chunks of data from a database. This paging 
> works ok with asp.net.
> But, with changing the client-side technology to Flex, I would not 
> like to have a "classic web grid" with page numbers above ( 1 - 2 - 
> 3 - ..etc ) I'd rather like to move from this web-like paging to a 
> more Windows-like paging, e.g. have a DataGrid with a scroller that 
> changes it's height regarding on the percent of currently displayed 
> records.
> My idea is to:
> 1) count a total number of records in the database table
> 2) fill a datagrid with "blank" records (e.g. containing a 
> label "Loading...")
> 3) regarding on the scroller position, update the dataProvider 
> item's that have to be displayed on-screen
> I assume that this method tends to be both memory and processor 
> consuming. So I'd like to hear a better idea. :-)
> ps. Does some Flex "DataGrid with paging" implementation already 
> exist?
> Thanks for answers!

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