
I try to find some information about MXML compilation at runtime on a
Java based server.

My goal is to create a CMS/eCommerce solution based on a Java core and
a Flex front-end. You can find more informations on the wiki of the
Igenko project :

The architecture of this project will be :
- A Java server core based on Tomcat, Spring, Hibernate, GraniteDS
  - Natively designed to store content in a JSR 170 Java Content
Repository (Jackrabbit)
  - Workflow management (JBoss JBPM) 
- A Flex Backoffice, with a WYSIWYG site designer
- One or more Flex public websites, dynamically generated from content
and layout stored in the repository. 

I know that Flex Data Services provide runtime compilation of MXML
but I want to build and Open Source solution ready for production
without having to pay.

The guy behind GraniteDS (an open source implementation of Flex Data
Service) did a first attempt to have runtime compiler for MXML, as you
can read on this post :

Another solution is also to dynamically create UI with AS3 from a
custom xml (not mxml) like it was proposed on this post
(http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/93086), but I
think runtime compilation of MXML should be a better solution in my case.

I would appreciate any ideas or feedbacks on this subject 

Sébastien Deleuze

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