Think of it like an Ice Cream Truck. You can't consume 35,000 Ice
Creams all at once, so grab an armful at a time and work on those.

Since your users' screen will only accommodate 20-100 items at a time,
work with 20-100 data items at a time. Find out how your database
makes a subset available, MySQL uses "LIMIT" statement. Then you have
fine points of database access, do you need your selection copied to a
TEMP file to the list?

Yesterday I was working with an MySQL file of 43,000 items that
SELECTed my 4,000 needed items immediately, but then took 12-15
seconds for the Flash player to load them into a Flex Datagrid. A set
of 100 of those items loaded in less than a second into a Flex Datagrid.

- Alan Gruskoff

--- In, "David C. Moody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the best way to handle a large dataset??  I'm using AMFPHP.  I 
> need to display a datagrid that the user can then use to choose an 
> entry to work on.
> The problem is this database has approximately 35,000 entries in it.
> I keep getting memory size exhausted errors from PHP.
> So I need a way to load the datagrid dynamically or page the datagrid.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> -David

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