Hello Tim,

I'm confident that the hardware issues related to the Eham review are the exception and not the rule. Remember, many early purchasers of the SDR-1000 assembled their radios in sections, probably purchasing the board stack first, with the remainder to follow. That leaves a lot of opportunity to benfit from careful assembly technique, or to suffer from poor assembly technique.

I've had my SDR-1000 for about a year and a half, and started with just the board stack. Later on, I purchased the 100 watt PA, and when I realized that keeping all of them out in the open was just inviting disaster via a dropped tool or metal cable connector, I ordered the cabinet.

Regarding assembly of the radio, the only 'extra' precaution I took was to thoroughly remove every last bit of paint on all mating surfaces of the panel. The documention recommended removing the paint where the screws connect the cabinet sections together, but I carried it a bit further figuring it couldn't hurt.

Right from the beginning, I had concerns about the fact that the total radio 'system' was actually distributed between a computer and the SDR-1000 hardware, and took the precaution of assuring that both the computer and the power supply for the radio were connected to the same isolated power source via an APC brand UPS system, model # "Back-UPS XS 1500".

Regarding the microphone connector on the front panel of the radio, I used it only once, then realized that it made more sense to plug the microphone directly into the sound card via a homemade adapter. There are no ferite beads on any external wiring to either the SDR-1000 or the computer. Frankly, I'm amazed that none were needed, but that's the way it is.

So, the removal of paint on adjoining panel surfaces on the cabinet, and the use of a common AC mains power source (UPS) are the extent of any extraordinary measures taken with this radio. I've used it on 160M through 17 meters, with and without an external Ameritron AL-811H amplifier, and on 2 meters with an Elecraft XV144 transverter and have never experienced *any* rf feedback. I've also never experienced any instability with the 100 watt PA. To the contrary, I've found the PA to have been particularly tolerant of my multiple inadvertent attempts to destroy it by transmitting into 'thin air' or the wrong antenna. The antennas here are resonant, with SWR's that are below 2:1, but they're not perfect.

I can honestly say that except for the 1/8" phone jacks, I have no complaints about the hardware, and have had no problems related to hardware. Regarding the 'work in progress', yes, to the extent that algorithms improve, new modulation modes appear, and new features and functionality are added, the radio is a work in progess. How fortunate for all of us! However, remember that Flex-Radio maintains an official stable release of the software. Those of us who enjoy trying the absolute latest updates, and are willing to accept the inevitability of bugs but enjoy the adventure will continue to download and experiment with the latest Beta releases as soon as the become available. Those who have no time for such nonsense, or who just want to get on the air with the best radio on the market can do so by using the current stable release of the software, and upgrade to the next stable release when it becomes available. I know of NO other radio on the market which offers this flexibility.

As an owner of the wonderful Elecraft K2, and an ICOM 746PRO, and being in the fortunate position of living about a mile away from AES Cleveland where I can always check out the latest and greatest from those other 'hardware-bound' manufacturers, I can say with all sincerity that the receiver of the SDR-1000 is the best that I have ever heard or used, anywhere. Period.

I've been a ham for 40 years, and it's the greatest hobby around, and I remember with fondness the excitement of the 'old days', trying out new antennas, modes, and equipment. But things have become a bit 'stable' over the last 30 years or so with fewer of those exciting moments.

Well, the excitement is back; over and over again, with each new release of the PowerSDR console!

Looking forward to hearing you on the air with your own SDR-1000, Tim.

73, Dale WA8SRA

Tim Ellison wrote:

Bom dia. Oi.

For me, this was an informative and interesting review.  I am very seriously 
considering the purchase of an SDR-1000.  In preparation, I have upgraded my 
computer, purchased the Delta44 and Eric's ground isolation kit.  The only 
thing that has prevented me from purchasing one to date is that I had to leave 
the country for 2 months on business.

I am going into my SDR-1000 adventure with my eyes wide open.  I am aware that the 
software is a work in progress and that this is not an "appliance operator" 
type of radio.  No problem.  I've lived on the cutting edge before so I know what to 
expect.  The support and contributions of this group also has lessened my fears that the 
~$1500 will be a well spent future investment.

What concerns me is that a core part of my reasoning for going ahead with the 
SDR-1000 purchase was based on the assumption that the hardware component of 
the radio was, for the most part solid.  I am aware that there have been minor 
improvements in the past to correct issues.  That is to be  expected.

But the e-ham review brought up some interesting issues.  Mostly about the 
construction quality, PA oscillations and RF susceptibility.  I realize that 
one review doesn't properly describe the true state of things, but along with 
the other threads on this forum about problems being attributed to cold solder 
joints, I started wondering about my future purchase.

The rebuttal e-ham review by KD5RD clearly defined the well known accolades and 
potential issues of *software* defined radios but doesn't address any of the 
hardware construction issues raised by AA8VL.

Therefore I am interested in the discussion that this review will generate in 
this forum and also on e-ham.  Hopefully my fears will be abated by the 

Até logo

73 de W4TME

Integrated Technical Services
"You can't close the door when the walls cave in" --Robert Hunter

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of VA3MA - Dan
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 11:16 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Eham Review


Not a nice review - yet is buying another!

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