Simon Brown wrote:

If a decision is made to abandon the serial port protocol I would go for ethernet so that the radio *can* be put on a network.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

And, under my scheme, nothing whatever would stop you from doing so. It would happen in the most natural and obvious way -- you'd hook it up to your PC using USB, put your PC on the net (which would be smart enough to deal with firewalls, IPv4 versus IPv6 whenever that becomes important and a host of other things known and unknown). You'd be able to run the regular code with TightVNC or custom code that dealt with incoming requests more directly.

Meanwhile, you would not be _required_ to put the radio on a network to use it in the ordinary fashion, a skill some people do not possess in abundance or which some would not wish to exercise in their automobile if they take their SDR mobile. There, USB is a much, much simpler interface.

It's really a question of where the complexity belongs. Networks are nasty little things and it's ideal for a real computer. We could do it at the peripheral level, but for the reasons I give, I think we'd repent of it quickly. Besides, the USB line is assuredly dedicated and it would also simplify timing questions not to have even the possibility of an ethernet collision.

Larry   WO0Z

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