
Well, you have a point with the VOX problem as that shouldn't require a minimum delay system to run. I suspect the VOX will soon or has been solved. I don't use VOX as I can't think or talk fast enough to keep it pulled in without an inordinate hang time.

PINs: Come to think of it I have an Ameritron PIN diode board that I actually had running for a few times. Got sidetracked by other interests at the time so its in the attic at the moment.

Maybe the CW solution is to use a realtime operating system a la the programmable logic controllers that are used for machine control. I've installed many on all kinds of machines in the past and they were quick considering the little processor ran at a few MHz. Then run the windows programs on the side for the display stuff. Hmmm, I bet it can be done in the same computer with a bit of time slicing.

If you are expecting a complete, bug free radio then the SDR stuff is not for you.

It is a paradigm shift in the way radios are conceived, built and operated.

There are problems now but most of them will be solved. There hasn't yet been a fundamental limitation to the present scheme. The main software is undergoing another internal reorganization to make it much more modular instead of the original spaghetti code. This should allow many more of the programmer types to contribute to the system.

As far as the receiver goes, of the many I've used over the past 50 years this is the best for several reasons, its affordable, flexible and neat to play with.

73, Larry  K2LT

At 10:48 AM 10/7/2005 -0700, you wrote:

What you say is true.  However my point is that you
miss the 800 pound gorilla in the room when touting
your rig as having MAN'S BEST RECIEVER, and you can't
get a friggin vox to work.  I use pin diodes to do
what you did with the 6SN7's by the way.

My point in writing was that it is not clear to me
that a little fiddleing with the software is going to
make the system behave.  You have proposed yet another
hardware based fix of a seperate system of transmitter
and reciever, with dedicated switching.  Your solution
I think is a good one, but note this is basically a 2
processor/memory/soundcard plus switching hardware
solution and is exactly what I was driving at:  How ya
gonna solve the glaring deficiencies in the radio.  If
it is going to require a redesign then I'm waiting to
throw my 1500 bux in the pot.

73   Lee W9OY

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