You were NOT supposed to confirm that I am as complete a masochist as everyone had become to believe. Gee whillikers! Now they will know what I have been doing instead of DSP code.

Karl awarded me the IPS medal. He told me that it is normally awarded posthumously. Just in case you are as old as Tom, Alberto, Eric E, Mike Cresap, etc. and I am in "computer age", dig out your Byte Magazine copies:

"IPS, An Unorthodox High Level Language", K. Meinzer, BYTE pp. 146-159 (Jan 1979)

and a slightly anachronistic book is also available which is still useful but needs updating.

You may even download copies if you are really interested in some pain:

As my pain level drops in the next few months, I will be bringing out IPS for Linux probably with much help from Bdale Garbee (KB0G, yes of Debian fame). No one should underestimate how difficult this was back in the days of the 8080. It was so painful that Dunbar had a heart attack, Clark almost completely gave up computer programming (if I put him into the worst kind of corner, I can get him to write beautiful matlab and excel code), and John, W1HDX has been absent for years. I just thought I would warn that unlike me, you can be infected, err uhh, impacted by doing this
doing this
doing this
   doing this doi
      doing thhiiiiiissssssssssss

Happy New Year (and that IS an order)

Tom Clark, W3IWI wrote:

Eric offered the sidebar:

Guys don't forget my:
Processor Technology Sol - 20 . . .

We used to call them the *Proctology-20*. They went the way of the *CommodeDoor C-64*. I had a couple of Imsai's myself. I remeber my first 256 byte RAM card and writing a one-D PONG game for the front panel status switches.

In mentioning classic languages, let's not forget DJ4ZC's IPS -- IPS is a threaded interpreter that has worked on a number of processors. Rad Hard Cosmac 1802's running IPS powered AO-10, AO-14 & AO-40. Karl ported IPS to the Atari 400 & 600, which served many of the AO-10/13 ground stations. W0PN/W1HDX/W3IWI did an 8080 port for command stations elsewhere who used S-100 based hardware. N4HY has just finished a 32-bit IPS for the upcoming P4D, P5A and Eagle missions. IPS is a really neat multi-tasking implementation of FORTH. -- 73, Tom


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Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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