How about Intel's version of PL/M, I have a copy somewhere in my CD pile. In the 70's I used to use it to make production testing software when I was too lazy to use assembler.

At 05:27 AM 12/30/2005, Alberto I2PHD wrote:
W3IP wrote:
> I'm ready to start coding in PL1 if anyone can find a working compiler....
PL1 (or PL/I as it was initially named), another of my past loves...
If memory serves, IBM used to give away a Personal Edition of it,
but this was many years ago. Maybe they have changed that policy.
Otherwise, if you feel like shelling money, there are a few commercial
compilers around. Look here :

Those who are asking to themselves what PL/I is, please go to this page :

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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Cecil Bayona

"I fail to see why doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results every time is insanity: I've almost proved it isn't; only a few more tests now and I'm sure results will differ this time ... "

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