At 12:43 AM 12/30/2005, Tom Clark, W3IWI wrote:
Eric offered the sidebar:
Guys don't forget my:
Processor Technology Sol - 20 . . .
We used to call them the Proctology-20. They went the way of the CommodeDoor C-64. I had a couple of Imsai's myself. I remeber my first 256 byte RAM card and writing a one-D PONG game for the front panel status switches.


I was the Colorado dealer for IMSAI when I started the Denver Amateur Computer Society --
I guess that was about 1977 (+/- a year).  I still have three of the IMSAIs and most notably
I have a fourth one that is still a KIT in an unopened box.  I sold the company, Intermountain
Digital, to Don Lund, WA0IQN. 

What is even more amazing is that the IMSAI  STILL LIVES.   As the IMSAI Series TWO.
Looks like an old IMSAI but it is a case for a modern computer.  If you want a bit of real
nostalgia check out

73--John   W0UN

You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat.
You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles.
Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way:
you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference
is that there is no cat."    -- Albert Einstein

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