Rick Markey, KN3C wrote:

>An excellent question.  As a lurker and SDR wannabe, I've been following 
>the reflector for some time.  Granted, the reflector is for the discussion 
>of problems, but for someone considering the purchase of an SDR, it is easy 
>to draw the conclusion that the software is simply loaded with problems.
>Is anyone in fact using the SDR-1000 as their primary, every day radio?  Is 
>there a release of software that allows the system to be as reliable as an 
>off-the-shelf box, ignoring the performance issue for the moment.  It 
>doesn't seem to make sense to have a high performance radio if it doesn't 
>work reliably.
>de Rick, KN3C

Absolutely yes.  If I had started from scratch, I'd have worked 170 DXCC 
"entities" since signing on with the SDR around March of 2005, despite a 
very dead summer in 2006.  A group of us, including me, worked the CQ WW 
SSB DX contest last year from Belize and did just fine working 
Multi-two.  See:  

http://flex-radio.com/forums/  and try "Belize Travelogue" by WO0Z

I also did a DXCC on 80 meters in a couple of months last winter and am 
currently chipping away at DXCC on 30 meters plus trying to get the 
remaining zones on 80 and 40 for a full 5BWAZ.  Last winter and fall saw 
a substantial upturn in my 5BWAZ count on 80 and 40.

Oh, yeah, the 80 meter adventure enabled me to complete my lifetime 
5BDXCC, too.

My more recent adventures are chronicled here:


There's an earlier one on the Flex forum where I chronicled my "from 
scratch" DXCC with the SDR despite a very modest setup, antenna-wise and 
working barefoot to boot.  The improvement in the software was 
discernable and in that chronicle.  See:  

http://flex-radio.com/forums/  and "Success!" by WO0Z

In short, you can read more than you want to about someone who has 
operated and, mostly in real time, documented what took place.

Larry  WO0Z

PS, in case you haven't guess, I love this rig.

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