I am pursuing the idea of using a voice keyer with my SR-1000 and Flex-5000
(when it arrives) for contesting.  I can buy a piece of hardware & stick it
in line between the microphone & the radio.  MFJ sells one for about $200
that should work nicely.  But, with PowerSDR & VAC, I should have no need
for extra hardware.  Except..

The normal mic input & VAC function essentially as an audio XOR gate - I can
have one or the other, but not both at the same time.  We need to have the
ability for  the mic & VAC to be active simultaneously.  There are several
voice keyer programs available that will use your existing PC sound card.
With VAC available, you should be able to setup a program to use VAC to feed
audio into the transmitter & use N8VB vCOM  for PTT.  If none of the
programs currently available will work with VAC, I can write one myself.
However, the way PowerSDR is configured this is not possible.  I have voice
keyer functions built into my contest logging software, but cannot use them
for the same reasons.

The current facilities built into PowerSDR for recording & playing back wave
files COULD be used, but are not really convenient for contesting as
implemented.  No PTT control, no one-click playback of different messages,
etc.  They are great for showing off the audio quality of the radio, club
presentations of the software, etc., but they don't quite fit the bill for
serious contesting.

Before I add this as a feature request, are there any other thoughts on
this?  Am I missing something simple?  Etc.?

73, Ray, K9DUR

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