John Wojnaroski writes:
> Curtis writes:
> > I don't see any of the proposed changes really having any substantial
> > affect on the network interfaces ... perhaps we might need to do a
> > tiny amount of redesign in places, but I don't see that as a negative.
> > 
> David writes:
> >The problem is that you'll
> >miss more information as FlightGear adds more and more aircraft with
> >more and more different kinds of output and input variables, but
> >that's a problem with a fixed interface either way.
> Still have a queasy feeling.....  fear of the unknown, I guess.

John, I can sympathize with your feelings, but the longer we go
without *really bad stuff* happening, the more this feeling will
subside.  Definitely this is a different approach, and I wouldn't
advocate using it in every area, but give then nature of the generic
interface needed between some of the major parts of FlightGear, I
think it makes sense.

I think (at least for me) fear of the unknown is a big part of it.
I'm not used to coding this way, and it introduces certain elements
I've always been taught were bad.  But, it also yields great and
wonderful benefits and seems to make sense for what we are trying to

I do like David's spread sheet analogy.  It doesn't make sense to hard
code the column headings in your spread sheet, unless you are
absolutely sure exactly what headings you'll always want.  Given the
variety of FDM's we have available (which will likely increase
substantially over time) and given the variety of vehicles we might
want to simulate, I think it makes sense to keep the FDM/FlightGear
interface as generic as possible.  Properties allow us to do this in a
pretty nice and portable way ... (I hope) :-)


Curtis Olson   Intelligent Vehicles Lab         FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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