Erik Hofman wrote:
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but to my understanding namespaces are
> like classes but without the overloading and such?

Namespaces are just namespaces. :)

Some languages call them "packages" or "modules", but the idea is
really simple: a symbol (function, class, global variable, whatever)
defined in a namespace is guaranteed not to clash with symbols defined
outside the namespace.

So I can (and did) write stuff like:

  namespace yasim { class Propeller { ... }; };

without having to worry that anyone else in the simulator would write
a "Propeller" class too.

Basically, namespaces are the simple, attractive answer to all
prefix-madness that's been thrown around in C/C++ code over the past
few decades.  No more FGPropeller vs. YAPropeller yuck.  The developer
of a module gets to use internal names that make sense.


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