throttle1000 wrote:

> *The idea would be to use the graphichs part of MS files.*
> *They have lot of nice airplane outside and panel graphics.*
> *That alone would take 1000 years to do.*
> *Yes. They have errors! But one should only use what is*
> *good and ignore what is not correct. I am only saying that*
> *those files are easy to get and there are thousends of people*
> *writing new all the time.*
> *Just add to them the FGFS physics files. And there it is.*
> *Easy and fast!*

We have been thinking about that in the past, but the main reason for 
not doing so is the mess in licenses for MSFS based products. It often 
takes a large amount of time to detect if the author is willing to 
release the product under the terms of the GNU Public License.


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