> Well, the modern SGIs shouldn't have trouble running a recent version of
> FGFS. So we run on a SGI.

Yep, as long as you have lots of CPU cycles. I believe an R10k at 300 MHz is
minimum, also a MaxImpact/MXI graphics subsystem with maximum TRAM should be

> PS: Is there a way to install FGFS (+SimGear + PLIB + GLUT) on a Indy
> w/o root privileges? I'd like to try it at the university.

Yes, you could place the binary in your home directory and adjust 'fg-root'.
That's it. But be warned: My first SGI was a 175 MHz Indigo2 MaxImpact
(somewhat Indy's successor) wit 2x 1 MByte TRAM. CPU was too slow and TRAM
was too little. Now I have an 195 MHz Octane SSI. CPU is still somewhat too
slow and SSI has _no_ TRAM. I doubt you'll be lucky on an Indy,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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