"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the value of globals before and after this call?  Are you
> saying when this is done, globals == 0?

no. this is what happens. we call globals = new FGGlobals;
(main.cxx:1433). if i print globals.props this is what i get:

{_name = {static npos = 4294967295, static nilRep = {len = 0, res = 0, ref = 46, 
selfish = false}, dat = 0x875f6e0 ""}, _index = 0, _parent = 0x0, _children = 
{<_Vector_base<SGPropertyNode *,allocator<SGPropertyNode *> >> = 
{<_Vector_alloc_base<SGPropertyNode *,allocator<SGPropertyNode *>,>> = {_M_start = 
0x0, _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, 
_path_cache = 0x0, _type = NONE, _tied = false, _attr = 3, _value = {alias = 0x0, 
bool_val = 0x0, int_val = 0x0, long_val = 0x0, float_val = 0x0, double_val = 0x0, 
string_val = 0x0}, _vptr.SGPropertyNode = 0x40121530}

then we get the view manager a couple of views, etc. at main.cxx:1457
we set the current view to view[0]. the globals.props pointer suddenly
changes, in my case from 0x875fdd0 to 0x875ffd0 and globals.props
looks like this:

{_name = {static npos = 4294967295, static nilRep = {len = 0, res = 0, ref = 46, 
selfish = false}, dat = 0x0}, _index = 0, _parent = 0x1, _children = 
{<_Vector_base<SGPropertyNode *,allocator<SGPropertyNode *> >> = 
{<_Vector_alloc_base<SGPropertyNode *,allocator<SGPropertyNode *>,>> = {_M_start = 
0x0, _M_finish = 0x404b8000, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}, <No data fields>}, <No data 
fields>}, _path_cache = 0x0, _type = NONE, _tied = false, _attr = 0, _value = {alias = 
0x0, bool_val = 0x0, int_val = 0x0, long_val = 0x0, float_val = 0x0, double_val = 0x0, 
string_val = 0x0}, _vptr.SGPropertyNode = 0x0}

there is a difference between the two. if i look at what is in memory
at the old address i get the good (old) props.


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

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