David Megginson writes:

 >  > And guess what I discovered when diffing 0.7.8 against 0.7.9? In
 >  > Main/options.cxx, around line 900, someone *commented out* the
 >  > line "dir += 180;", thereby *changing* the definitions of
 >  > /environment/wind-{north,east}-fps! Okay, who did that? Just wait
 >  > till I get my hands on you! ;-)
 > It is now fixed.  dir += 180 has been added back in, and the
 > JSBSim.cxx interface file has been changed to reverse the sense for
 > JSBSim.

No, that's not right after all.  Following a message from Jon Berndt,
I took a peek at the property browser, and the wind-{north|east}-fps
is the to- direction, not the from- direction.  JSBSim was using the
from- direction already, while the other FDM's were usign the to-
direction.  In any case, the command-line option now works properly,
and all the FDMs behave the same way; it's just that the properties
need to be interpreted differently.

So, what do we do?

All the best,


David Megginson

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