On Monday 18 February 2002 01:44 pm, you wrote:
> John Check writes:
>  > > > As for me I'd like to see
>  > > > 1)ground explosion when plane crash the ground (I have a lot
>  > > > explosion textures)
>  > >
>  > > Hmm, I'm not sure I see a reason for this one.
>  >
>  > I'd move it down the list, but it would be a crowd pleaser.
>  > People do ask for it.
> From the crash reports I've read and pictures I've seen, small planes
> tend to snap or crumple rather than explode (often none of the above).
> In fact, the more full the tanks, the *less* likely an explosion,
> since there's less oxygen to help the fuel ignite.  Crashed planes are
> often salvaged and rebuilt, even.
> Oh yeah, cars don't usually explode either, except on TV shows and
> movies.

And they do it for entertainment value. For most people FGFS
is classified as a game. That's right up there with offensive capability 
on the top 10 list at demos . Besides, we can always have a switch 
to turn it off. 


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