David Megginson wrote:
 > The most important one is idle RPM.  Currently, the YASim c172 idles
 > at about 1,350 RPM.  From what I've found, recommended RPM for taxiing
 > a C172 is only about 900 RPM, and some checklists I've see state that
 > the engine should be idling at over 575 RPM, so I'd guess that 600-750
 > RPM is probably the right range.

This is actually an interaction.  The idle RPM is, by definition, the
speed at which propeller drag is equal to engine power output.  I
agree, it is currently too high.

The original YASim model simply dropped MP to zero at zero throttle.
This had a "zero" idle, which wasn't much better.  (The problem was
masked because the model clamped RPM to be 500 RPM or higher).  These
days, it uses 6" as the minimum manifold pressure, on advice from Dave
Luff.  The problem is, that the power output is still calculated as
linear with MP, so there's too much power at idle.  Real engines have
internal friction & such.

The best thing to do would probably be to allow the user to specify an
"idle" RPM and simply force the power to be "right" at zero throttle.
This is a little hairy, but not awful.

 > The second one has to do with static RPM.  Under "Propeller Limits",
 > the C172 TCDS lists a maximum static RPM at full throttle of
 > 2,065-2,165.  That's well under the maximum 2,400 RPM for a C172R in
 > motion.  Currently, the YASim C172 prop goes right up past 2,400 RPM
 > even when the plane is not moving.

This part is actually tunable.  The propeller model does a two-point
fit to the parameters specified.  It makes sure that at "cruise" speed
and power, the engine torque at the specified RPM matches the
propeller counter-torque.  It also makes sure that the propeller
torque at takeoff (i.e. zero-speed) conditions is at least low enough
to produce the specified takeoff-rpm.  The reasoning behind this is
complicated, unfortunately -- it has to do with the idealized shape of
a propeller torque curve that YASim is using internally.  (That is, I
can't remember it well enough to explain it right now, sorry.)

Basically, if I understand the request, it should be sufficient to set
the takeoff-rpm value to 2100 or so, while leaving the cruise value
alone.  That should do what you want.  I didn't bother to look up real
numbers when I did most of the YASim planes, so this is going to be a
common type of problem with them.

 > YASim could interpolate between static RPM/power and takeoff RPM/power
 > to find the effect of velocity, and between idle RPM/power and static
 > RPM/power to find the effect of the throttle.  The engine model would
 > work much more realistically with only a little more work.

Sadly, it's actually a lot more complicated than that.  The
interpolation you want is already done, and it's behavior is
constrained by the efficiency curve that YASim uses.  While it sounds
like it should be this simple, getting things right in reality is a
lot harder -- you want the propeller efficiency to drop smoothly off
as speed increases, while simultaneously making sure that the drag on
the engine isn't too high at takeoff, while making sure that the peak
of the efficiency curve goes in the right spot to insure sufficient
takeoff thrust.

I think the bulk of the problems you're experiencin are due to my
inability to expose the model in a sensible and understandable way,
rather than a core shortcoming.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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