This is off the top of my head with a healthy mix of speculation.
But, I believe you can override the 'install' command in the
Makefiles.  Often it is just "cp" or the is often an actual "install"
program or similar "" script.  This means that in theory,
you ought to be able to write a script that compares the md5sum of the
installed file with the about to be installed file and only actually
install it if the two files are different.

#include <stddiscalaimers.h>
#include <nonstddisclaimers.h>
#include <afewotherdisclaimers.h>

Let us know if it works out, this would be a nice thing to have around
here too. :-)



David Megginson writes:
> Julian Foad writes:
>  > Doesn't everyone have the same problem that I have: that after
>  > re-building plib and/or SimGear, even after a one-file change, the
>  > "make install" copies all of the header files to the install
>  > directory, putting the current date stamp on them, even though they
>  > have not changed.  This causes almost every file in FlightGear to
>  > be re-compiled.
> I keep the SimGear source tree in /usr/local/src, then just do this:
>   rm -rf /usr/local/include/simgear
>   ln -s /usr/local/src/SimGear/simgear /usr/local/include
>   ln -sf `find /usr/local/src/SimGear -name '*.a' -print` /usr/local/lib
> Then, I make sure I never do a 'make install' in
> /usr/local/src/SimGear, and everything works nicely.
> For plib, the procedure is slightly different, since all include files
> have to be in the same directory:
>   rm -rf /usr/local/include/plib
>   mkdir /usr/local/include/plib
>   ln -sf `find /usr/local/src/plib/ -name '*.h' -print` /usr/local/include/plib
>   ln -sf `find /usr/local/src/plib/ -name '*.a' -print` /usr/local/lib
> I'm doing this from memory, so please forgive any typos.
> There's one caveat -- if SimGear or plib changes only in the cxx
> files, you will have to remove the FlightGear binary to force a
> relink.
> All the best,
> David
> -- 
> David Megginson
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