David Megginson wrote:
> Christian Mayer writes:
>  > As I wrote before, there's a function in the WeatherCM code that
>  > calculates the air pressure based on the air pressure at a given
>  > altitude and at a given teperature profile. It is based on the well
>  > known (but incorrect) baryometric (SP?) formula but doesn't suffer from
>  > its limitations. When you feed it, the standard conditions it will
>  > return the standard atmosphere.
>  >
>  > When you adopt that code, you'll automagicly get the correct results.
> Does the code handle only pressure? 

The code does only calculate air pressure.

>  There are a few fairly good
> atmosphere models I can adapt (including the one in JSBSim); 

The code does comply with the international atmosphere models (IIRC
JSBsim uses exactly the same data I used to verify the calculations)

> I just
> stuck with the tables for now because they keep the code fast and
> simple. 

Tables are faster and simpler. But they aren't really flexible.
When you are concerned about performance: How many pressure calculations
do we need? Not more than a few per frame. And as the pressure changes
are very small during a frame we can even cache the result. And
alltogether the number of calculations that are done is very small.
Probably the space overhead a table generates would be worse (cf.
discusion about inlining code)

> I want to be able to extrapolate both ways -- if the user
> supplies a temperature or pressure at altitude, I want to be able to
> extrapolate the temperature or pressure at sea level, and vice-versa.

So the code is better suited for you than the tables.

You give the code a temperature profile (which is basicly the table
approach) and a pressure value at a give altitude (doesn't need to be
sea level). Then you get valid numbers for any altitude that you want.


PS: As the air pressure curve is similar to the e-function (e^altitude)
it's nowhere linear and thus badly approximated by a table...

The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

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