On Wed, 2002-06-05 at 14:15, Christian Mayer wrote:
> Tony Peden wrote:
> > 
> > > PS: As the air pressure curve is similar to the
> > > e-function (e^altitude)
> > > it's nowhere linear and thus badly approximated by a
> > > table...
> > 
> > Depends on how many points are in the table.
> Yes. You can solve all problems with raw iron...
> I don't know how feelable the sudden performance drops are when you
> arrive in a new part of the table...

There's two ways to implement the model with tables.  One is the brute
force approach that LaRCsim uses.  It maintains a tables of T,p, and rho
as a function of altitude and interpolates as needed.  The second comes
up when you implement the model as specified by ICAO, that uses a table
of constants that get plugged into one of two equations (depending on
whether or not the region is isothermal).  JSBSim uses the latter.

The first will require a lookup and interpolation every frame its
executed while the second may not require a lookup (the table only
has eight breakpoints even if it does) and will incur the cost of
evaluating the equations (they are e^x, I've no idea how much FPU/CPU
time they incur).

I don't really know, but I'd guess it's a toss up.

> CU,
> Christian
> --
> The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague
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Tony Peden
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