Tony Peden writes:

 > I didn't look at everything, but the nose wheel was in NONE and the
 > mains CASTERED as far back as I looked (which went back to the beginning
 > of time for the configurable gear).  I can't explain the CASTERED mains,
 > but I understood what you call steer groups to be brake groups.  It
 > never occurred to me that that would affect the steering control.

Here's an excerpt from FGLGear.cpp:

      case bgNose:
        SteerGain = -0.50;
        BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;
      case bgTail:
        SteerGain = -0.10;
        BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;
      case bgNone:
        SteerGain = 0.0;
        BrakeFCoeff = rollingFCoeff;

and, a little further down:

      switch (eSteerType) {
      case stSteer:
        SteerAngle = SteerGain*FCS->GetDrPos();

In other words, if gear belongs to bgNone, it gets SteerGain=0.0, so
SteerAngle is always 0.  Perhaps it's a recent C++ change that caused
this problem.

Note a second problem with this code: it uses getDrPos (the actual
rudder position) and ignores maxSteerAngle from the config file.  A
better option would probably be

  SteerAngle = SteerGain*FCS->GetDrCmd()*maxSteerAngle*RADTODEG;

It would also be nice to be able to specify SteerGain in the XML
config file rather than hard-coding it in FGLGear.cpp.

 > (and maybe it didn't, changing the mains from CASTERED to fixed could
 > have a significant effect).  I need to experiment with it some more.

The castoring doesn't make a difference (yet), because FGLGear.cpp
still treats castoring gear as fixed anyway:

      case stFixed:
        SteerAngle = 0.0;
      case stCaster:
// Note to Jon: This is not correct for castering gear.  I'll fix it later.
        SteerAngle = 0.0;

 > > * Usable fuel: 
 > >   38in (c172.xml has 56in)
 > Hmm, I got my numbers from a POH as well.  I'll have to double check.

That's from the C172R POH.  The C172P POH puts usable fuel at 48in,
probably because of the different wing shape, but it's still not as
far as c172.xml.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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