"Curtis L. Olson" wrote:
> Christian Mayer writes:
> > > Except, as Curt has already pointed out, rsync is more than just a
> > > file transfer protocol ... its functionality would need to be duplicated
> > > in FG/SG/plib before http could be used.
> >
> > The missing functionality is the ability to figure out if the tile has
> > changed IIRC.
> >
> > But that'n no problem - HTTP already supports that. IIRC it send's a
> > status code of 302 if the reqested data didn't change...
> It's more than that though.  You need to figure out if the .stg file
> has changed, then check any of the files refered to in the .stg file.
> If any of those files are 3d models you need to load that model, parse
> it's format, and determine if it refers to any other models or
> textures, and recurse on those.  That suddenly means the client side
> has to get a *lot* smarter.
> We could continue to work on an entire directory level to avoid this
> problem, but the client side is still going to have to do all the work
> of rsync.

We can do it directory wise. 

Or (I haven't looked at the code so I don't know if this makes sense) we
could increase the functionality of the tile loader. The current tile
loader stays at it is but it get's an additional functionality, where it
passes the names of the tiles that it's going to load in the future to
the terrasync thread (i.e. we specify two ranges - the frist as we do it
already with says which tiles we want in the memory and a second,
bigger, range for tiles that are probable to be loaded soon).

> That means I probably means I'm not going to have time to do it, so
> bear in mind that this discussion is going into a black hole unless
> someone else picks up the slack and has time to continue developing
> this.

I know that problem...

Probably it's time to thank you for your effords again (we can't do that
often engouh...)


The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

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