Dave Perry writes:

 > Three comments/concerns for the recent changes to the flight model:

 > 1.  The nose pitch-up when adding flaps seems extreem.  If I don't
 >      change the elevator trim a lot, the plane actually stalls.  If I recall
 >      correctly, the Piper Tri-Pacer had a slight pitch up with added flaps.
 >      But the Cessna 172 nose pitches down a little and you have to
 >      make minor trim changes more like the c182 in FlightGear.

In my experience (still under 100 hours in type), the C172 always
pitches up at slow speed when you add flaps, and you could, in fact,
stall the plane if you went to full flaps at approach speed and
weren't fast enough on the elevator.

That said, I agree that the pitching moment is too violent in the
current 172P aero model -- even adding 10deg flaps sends the nose
shooting for the sky.  I had just used Roskam's numbers (for the 182),
but I'll tone it down a bit.

 > 2. The adverse aileron yaw is too much at modrate speeds.  In fact,
 >    since these changes, the wing leveler auto pilot will cause ever
 >    increasing aileron oscillations leading to a crash with the
 >    c172p.

I'll look into this one.  What do you mean by 'moderate' speeds?  You
should be seeing a lot of adverse yaw below 70kt.

 > 3.  The rate of descent with full flaps seems less than it should be.

I'll check this as well.

Thanks for the input,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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