> Indeed, Lee rocks.  But seriously, someone needs to come to his home,
> tie him down and teach him Blender so that we can get some colors on
> these things.  And make him do something non-british while you're at
> it. :)

Oh, I'd say Lee has a good taste  ;-)
BTW, he did a B-52 - didn't he ?

> I finally started playing with Blender a little last week.  It's an
> awfully slow start, but after the first few hours you really do get
> the hang of it.

I contributed a small amount to the 'collection' so I had early access to
the IRIX binaries. The program is pretty fast and the demos look fine - but
I was unable to find the appropriate functions. This is some sort of
overkill ....

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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