> Now I know why: I set "--prop:/environment/turbulence-norm=1.0" in my
> ~/.fgfsrc and obviously this has impact even at ground level ....  :-)

Well... have you tried, BTW, to take off with the TSR.2 with
crosswind? I haven't been able to do a proper takeoff even with
moderate wind speeds. I suspect there's something wrong, please give
it a go.

> Did I tell you that the F-16 panel starts looking _great_ ?!!!

Yes, it is indeed! Here's an issue that you might not have come across
though: the HUD is placed incorrectly when the aspect ratio of the
FGFS window is too small (window isn't wide enough for its height).

> And the plane is even nice to fly: It's not as fast as the TSR.2 but it's
> much more versatile - and this pleases very much !

Are you sure? I seem to experience the opposite -- the plain F-16 is
stronger and faster than the TSR.2 with full reheat! Versatility is
debatable, but I agree that the F-16 rolls a lot faster, which can
come in handy when those MiG-29 are closing in.

Approach speed of the F-16 is pleasantly low, which is great
especially because it makes up for the need of usable wheelbrakes :-(.

Good work, Erik!


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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