David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know how much free time you have, but if you price it out, it
> could turn out that it's cheaper to come to North America to do your
> PPL training (I'm pretty sure the hours will be recognized in Germany
> though you might have to redo the flight test and written exam --
> check, of course).

I already considered this as a valuable idea. _But_: I don't earn money as
long as I don't work. I'm sort of freelancer Unix sysadmin and I'm in the
situation that I have to earn the necessary 9.000 Euro before I can spend
them for the PPL. If I take three weeks off then I'm loosing about the same
amount of money that I save by doing flight training in north America .... 
I'll have do ask my dad  ;-))

When I went to Canada for holidays (twice) I thought about adding some time
for the PPL but that didn't work out because of monetary reasons. Aside of
this, I can't stay away from my customers for more than three weeks,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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