On Tuesday 05 August 2003 00:12, Jim Wilson wrote:
> "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Lee Elliott writes:
> > > I've noticed this effect too, on the 2d clouds.  I think it's an 
> > > issue.  When I use transparent objects/textures in a model I have to be 
> > > careful of it's position in the object list - basically, every object 
> > > comes after a transparent object is invisible when viewed through the 
> > > transparent object.  With the 2d clouds it's as though they are coming 
> > > the prop disk, in the object order, and so are invisible when seen 
> > > it.
> > 
> > I think we should be drawing the 3d model of the aircraft last, after
> > the sky, terrain, and clouds.
> Actually the model objects are sorted so that the transparencies are last so
> that they are higher on the stack and get rendered *first*.  Blending 
> the foreground alpha object to be known first,  which makes perfect sense if
> you think about it.
> Someone might want to research the archives, on previous discussion of what
> happens to the terrain and the model if you render the sky at a different 
> Norm's idea may be the only solution that could eliminate the tradeoffs in 
> current approach.  One possibility might be to somehow tag transparent model
> objects in xml (or ac3d object data) so that they can be moved after (or
> during) a load.  Then you could put the clouds into the transparent 
> along with the transparent object parts, and everything else can go into the
> other scenegraph.  This would also be helpful to modelers who can at times
> face complex difficulties with manually sorting objects.
> Yet another thing that suggests an writing ac3d loader customized for 
> Best,
> Jim

It's a tricky one.  If fgfs rendered the a/c after everything else it wouldn't 
work with the nice new clouds.  I think there could be a problem with tagging  
transparent objects  - most side/cabin windows on the large a/c are going to 
be done in the texture map via alpha/transparency against the hull paint 
scheme - not only is cutting out the individual windows a lot of work, it 
also tends to spoils the smoothing of the object, because of the uneven 
concentration of vertices, and also increases the poly count.

Is an a/c model treated separately from the 'scene' or is it dissembled into 
it's component sub-objects, which are then z-buffered along with the rest of 
the scene polys?


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