Martin Spott writes:
> Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In case you are creating your own modifications to the animation file, 
> > you have to animate every blade by itself because they don't share a 
> > single rotation axis ...
> I doubt any reasonable machine is able to handle the varying blade
> angles every frame. Is there any experience how costly this animation
> would be ?

If the blade rotation is just an offset and a rotation there shouldn't be any 
noticeable performance problem animating the blades as the animation 
rotation setup is quite efficient and to implement this is just adding 4 more
 animation transforms.  

Setting up an Animation transform is more efficient then setting up a 'general' 
PLIB transform as they are 'special cased' and the matrix math has been 
optimized significantly.

Of course this is assuming that determing the angle of rotation isn't an
expensive operation, but I don't see why it need be.



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