Jim Wilson wrote:
> Alright...so that _is_ an interesting value.  It would require a good
> deal of precision on the modelers part in order to round a corner with
> 3 sides.  I wonder now if this coincides with the default "crease 45"
> in ac3d's implementation.

FWIW, I'd argue that exactly 45° is a very bad choice, since octagonal
objects are going to be reasonably common in practice.  Setting the
smooth angle at exactly their corner angle means that any amount of
modelling slop or round-off errors in such an object would cause some
of the edges to be rounded and others not.  I picked 46° hoping that
this was enough to avoid such an effect.

I think I originally had it at 52°, essentially playing the same game
with 7-gons.  But some of the planes looked a little too sharp, so I
tuned it down some.

Obviously there's no single value that will work for everything; I'd
be happy to hear other opinions on good defaults.


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