Paul Surgeon writes:
> What? I thought you wrote this stuff.

Yes, I wrote a lot of it, but I'm not claiming perfect memory. :-)

> Yes you mean it actually wraps the data around an ellipsoid not on a
> flat plane like some simulators. It's a very nice accurate system
> although a bit complex to calculate mathematically (makes my head
> spin).

Fortunately, we can encapsulate all the messy math so you don't have
to worry about it too much.

> > You would have all the same problems and issues flattening a section
> > of the FlightGear world as if you would if you tried to lay the same
> > section of real world out onto a flat surface.
> You have a good point there - now it's making sense.  However it's
> just a lot easier to design/draw straight lines on a flat surface
> than a curved one, especially when writing scenery tools.

If you are looking at smaller, localized areas, you could probably do
some hacks/approximations that would work reasonably well.  You are
right though, that for a scenery editor, this could get a little
tricky.  I'm not sure what the best answer is.  If you are editing
airport sized areas, you could probably get away with flattening it
out during the interactive editing phase, then convert all the
coordinats to (angle/distance) and use that to map them back to the
wgs-84 world for FlightGear.

> Well it's about the best and most common if I'm not mistaken.  I
> doubt that if I fly around the equator I'm going to notice the extra
> 67.16km but it's nice to know that I won't have to fly that extra 15
> mins. :)
> However it's good to know that FG does things "properly".

We try ... :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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