On 11/12/03 at 5:36 PM Norman Vine wrote:

>Curtis L. Olson writes:
>> Like you say, to do this well, we would need some way to efficiently
>> page texture data in and out.  We'd also want to be able to load
>> lowres mipmaps for distant stuff and hold off loading the full
>> resolution version of the textures until they are close enough to
>> actually be used.
>One way todo this is to always use the same size texture so as to
>be able to use glTexSubImage2D() to control the level of detail and
>mipmaping ourselves.
>Easiest todo this if the scenery is laid out so when you go to
>a lower level texture it covers 4 times the area and visa versa
>This works with SimGear's latitude adjusted tile 'bands' as they are 
>broken into 8x8 sub grids :-)

I'm not entirely clear on this - are mipmaps pre-built and available on
disk for FG to load, or are they built from the main texture at runtime?

Cheers - Dave

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